Telegram definition
Telegram definition

telegram definition

It might be argued that the strategy is flawed, or more accurately, incomplete, but it certainly outlines action items to support each element of the strategy, often in greater detail than does The Longer Telegram. Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific - which National Security Council staffer Matthew Pottinger classified and presumably authored, and which was declassified in the administration’s waning days in office - does just that. As the author (or perhaps authors) puts it, “Political declarations do not equal a strategy.” Actually, the Trump administration’s 2018 U.S.

#Telegram definition series

It claims that what has passed for strategy in recent years is a series of catchphrases and buzzwords that have no operational underpinnings. The Longer Telegram asserts that the United States has no real long-term strategy for dealing with an ever more assertive China.

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Kennan described the Soviet Union’s objectives and weaknesses and laid out the case for a policy of “containment” that, to a significant degree, both Republican and Democratic administrations pursued throughout the course of the Cold War.

telegram definition

22, 1946, and his “X” article, which he published in Foreign Affairs in July 1947. Entitled “ The Longer Telegram: Toward a New American China Strategy,” the report is modeled on George Kennan’s famous “ Long Telegram” of Feb. Washington and many capitals around the world are abuzz over an anonymously authored new report on China that was issued under the auspices of the Atlantic Council.

Telegram definition